Destination DECA


High School DECA was the push factor into my metamorphism from applying to school for dermatology to applying to school for business. I still find myself at a loss for words when asked to describe the impact of DECA on my life. From my advisors, my best friend and co-president, the members in my chapter, to the experience itself, DECA will forever be one of the highlights from my high school memories. DECA taught me that there was and is not only a businesswoman inside of me but a power women. Almost like an alter go, this identity of a power woman helped me to harness my business knowledge my presence, my presentation style, and my leadership. My DECA chapter cultivated over meetings after school, bonding, and practicing. These members were always there for me for support, whether it be y practicing with me, calming me down, or giving that “You can do it” speech. My advisors pushed me to become better, to explore the business world, and to never hold back. I will forever remind myself that,” Confidence breeds success,” thanks to my advisors. Leaving high school, I thought I was facing DECA retirement, but I was wrong.


Although a brand new chapter, Mercy College, is a participating Collegiate DECA chapter. I immediately jumped on board, and was ready to share my DECA experience with those new to the club. Together we formed our own DECA family, a small group of students helping and supporting each other as we all go through this DECA journey together.


This past week, our chapter attended our first ever conference, the NY Leadership Conference. We all choose different industry tracks, ranging from finance, fashion merchandising, hospitality, advertising, and sports marketing. The conference itself was a great experience for our newly founded chapter, and helped us better grasp the Collegiate DECA format, since it differs from high school. But what I valued the most, was the bonding that took place amongst our team. We may have all been separated into different industries, but we all reconvened to discuss our days in vivid detail, to catch dinner and relax, to just get to know each other and form a bond like a family. When it came time for case study presentations, our chapter was there for everyone. Group texts were sent throughout the morning reminding everyone to keep calm, be confident, and go kill it for Mercy College DECA.


I am leaving my fist Collegiate DECA conference, with more insight into the Collegiate DECA process, a newfound family, and excitement looking towards the future of Mercy College DECA.


Destination DECADestination DECA

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